80 research outputs found

    First-Class Functions for First-Order Database Engines

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    We describe Query Defunctionalization which enables off-the-shelf first-order database engines to process queries over first-class functions. Support for first-class functions is characterized by the ability to treat functions like regular data items that can be constructed at query runtime, passed to or returned from other (higher-order) functions, assigned to variables, and stored in persistent data structures. Query defunctionalization is a non-invasive approach that transforms such function-centric queries into the data-centric operations implemented by common query processors. Experiments with XQuery and PL/SQL database systems demonstrate that first-order database engines can faithfully and efficiently support the expressive "functions as data" paradigm.Comment: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Database Programming Languages (DBPL 2013), August 30, 2013, Riva del Garda, Trento, Ital

    Staircase Join: Teach a Relational DBMS to Watch its (Axis) Steps

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    Relational query processors derive much of their effectiveness from the awareness of specific table properties like sort order, size, or absence of duplicate tuples. This text applies (and adapts) this successful principle to database-supported XML and XPath processing: the relational system is made tree aware, i.e., tree properties like subtree size, intersection of paths, inclusion or disjointness of subtrees are made explicit. We propose a local change to the database kernel, the staircase join, which encapsulates the necessary tree knowledge needed to improve XPath performance. Staircase join operates on an XML encoding which makes this knowledge available at the cost of simple integer operations (e.g., +, <=). We finally report on quite promising experiments with a staircase join enhanced main-memory database kernel

    An Injection with Tree Awareness: Adding Staircase Join to PostgreSQL

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    The syntactic wellformedness constraints of XML (opening and closing tags nest properly) imply that XML processors face the challenge to efficiently handle data that takes the shape of ordered, unranked trees. Although RDBMSs have originally been designed to manage table-shaped data, we propose their use as XML and XPath processors. In our setup, the database system employs a relational XML document encoding, the XPath accelerator [1], which maps information about the XML node hierarchy to a table, thus making it possible to evaluate XPath expressions on SQL hosts.\ud \ud Conventional RDBMSs, nevertheless, remain ignorant of many interesting properties of the encoded tree data, and were thus found to make no or poor use of these properties. This is why we devised a new join algorithm, staircase join [2], which incorporates the tree-specific knowledge required for an efficient SQL-based evaluation of XPath expressions. In a sense, this demonstration delivers the promise we have made at VLDB 2003 [2]: a notion of tree awareness can be injected into a conventional disk-based RDBMS kernel in terms of staircase join. The demonstration features a side-by-side comparison of both, an original and a staircase-join enhanced instance of PostgreSQL [4]. The required changes to\ud PostgreSQL were local, the achieved eect, however, is significant: the demonstration proves that this injection of tree awareness turns PostgreSQL into a high-performance XML processor that closely adheres to the XPath semantics

    An Inflationary Fixed Point Operator in XQuery

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    We introduce a controlled form of recursion in XQuery, inflationary fixed points, familiar in the context of relational databases. This imposes restrictions on the expressible types of recursion, but we show that inflationary fixed points nevertheless are sufficiently versatile to capture a wide range of interesting use cases, including the semantics of Regular XPath and its core transitive closure construct. While the optimization of general user-defined recursive functions in XQuery appears elusive, we will describe how inflationary fixed points can be efficiently evaluated, provided that the recursive XQuery expressions exhibit a distributivity property. We show how distributivity can be assessed both, syntactically and algebraically, and provide experimental evidence that XQuery processors can substantially benefit during inflationary fixed point evaluation.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, 2 table

    06472 Abstracts Collection - XQuery Implementation Paradigms

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    From 19.11.2006 to 22.11.2006, the Dagstuhl Seminar 06472 ``XQuery Implementation Paradigms'' was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    06472 Abstracts Collection - XQuery Implementation Paradigms

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    06472 Executive Summary - XQuery Implementation Paradigms

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    Pathfinder: XQuery - The Relational Way

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    Relational query processors are probably the best understood (as well as the best engineered) query engines available today. Although carefully tuned to process instances of the relational model (tables of tuples), these processors can also provide a foundation for the evaluation of "alien" (non-relational) query languages: if a relational encoding of the alien data model and its associated query language is given, the RDBMS may act like a special-purpose processor for the new language

    MonetDB/XQuery - Consistent & Efficient Updates on the Pre/Post Plane

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    Relational XQuery processors aim at leveraging mature relational DBMS query processing technology to provide scalability and efficiency. To achieve this goal, various storage schemes have been proposed to encode the tree structure of XML documents in flat relational tables. Basically, two classes can be identified: (1) encodings using fixed-length surrogates, like the preorder ranks in the pre/post encoding [5] or the equivalent pre/size/level encoding [8], and (2) encodings using variable-length surrogates, like, e.g., ORDPATH [9] or P-PBiTree [12]. Recent research [1] showed a clear advantage of the former for efficient evaluation of XPath location steps, exploiting techniques like cheap node order tests, positional lookup, and node skipping in staircase join [7]. However, once updates are involved, variable-length surrogates are often considered the better choice, mainly as a straightforward implementation of structural XML updates using fixed-length surrogates faces two performance bottlenecks: (i) high physical cost (the preorder ranks of all nodes following the update position must be modified—on average 50% of the document), and (ii) low transaction concurrency (updating the size of all ancestor nodes causes lock contention on the document root)

    Accelerating XPath location steps

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    This work is a proposal for a database index structure that has been specifically designed to support the evaluation of XPath queries. As such, the index is capable to support all XPath axes (including ancestor, following, precedingsibling, descendant-or-self, etc.). This feature lets the index stand out among related work on XML indexing structures which had a focus on regular path expressions (which correspond to the XPath axes children and descendantor-self plus name tests). Its ability to start traversals from arbitrary context nodes in an XML document additionally enables the index to support the evaluation of path traversals embedded in XQuery expressions. Despite its flexibility, the new index can be implemented and queried using purely relational techniques, but it performs especially well if the underlying database host provides support for R-trees. A performance assessment which shows quite promising results completes this proposal. 1
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